In the last blog, I recommended an exercise for you to come up with an essential self-statement. What was it like to complete the exercise? How was the process and what did you learn about yourself? Lastly, does the final product fit at this stage in your life?
I suggest that the final statement should be seen as a working document to be reviewed and possibly updated on an annual basis.
There are a number of ways to use your essential self-statement:
- Keep it close by as a reference when you are feeling lost or disconnected, or simply, out of sorts. Review your statement–what would it take for you to connect to it? Ask, in this moment, what would it take for me to be this person who is my true self?
- Do you give yourself permission to be your true self or do you notice thoughts of “I’m not enough” arising? Spend time allowing your self-statement to really sink in and allow yourself to be more than enough.
- Ask how your essential self-statement is correlated with purpose in your life? What freedom would you experience in your life if you had a sense of your purpose and the contribution you want to be making in your life and community?
These last four blogs on the rising generation and the challenge of emancipation is a challenge for every one of all economic backgrounds, it is, however, often more pronounced if you grow up in a family of wealth. This self-reflection process is very worthwhile and sets us on our true hero’s journey-it is definitely worthy of our time and effort.